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Parking garage construction

User-friendliness and maximum utilization of room

In parking Garage construction , it is particularly important to include cost-benefit considerations right from the start of the planning phase in order to ensure maximum cost-effectiveness.

Our own project development analyzes together with you your utilization Concept, your plans and possible future developments. Only when this data is taken into account can truly future-proof solutions be created.

Through the use of precast elements made of concrete, steel or reinforced concrete , manufactured in one of our two in-house precast element plans, economic advantages of our working method are further extended.

Planning, Building, increasing or expanding

  • Wide, open design
  • Flexible construction
  • Span of 17 metres and more
  • Axis grid up to 5.50 metres
  • Clear traffic guidance
  • Maximum use of room volume
  • Option to quickly increase or expand
  • Short construction times / high cost Efficiency
  • Coating-free concrete ceilings according to DBV data sheet
  • E-Mobility and fleet management

Parking garage construction

Construction of a parking garage in Nuremberg by the HEBERGER Group.


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We do more! This is the motto of our new image film. Experience what makes HEBERGER special and what distinguishes us from other companies on the market.


Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

Speyer, Neubau Wohnquartier Loopside

In Speyer, direkt am Rhein gelegen, entsteht schlüsselfertig ein weiteres topmodernes Wohnquartier. Dort entstehen 2 Gebäude mit insgesamt 80 Eigentumswohnungen und einer gemeinsam nutzbaren Tiefgarage.

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